

As an addition to Divine Guidance book, we have prepared a document which lists great resources to support your personal awakening.

Please fill the form below to access Resources pdf document. Our hope is that you will get further inspired to continue on your path of creating & living Awakened Life. A True Life.

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Life Changing Books

One single book can bring
many good and positive
changes in our life. Suggested
list includes great books.

Inspiring Videos

Several videos deeply touched
my Soul and motivated me to live my life fully. Hope you will love what we prepared for you.

Great Movies

Great movies turned my life completely around. Here
I listed some of the most
impactful moving pictures.

Enriching Music

Music does the miracles when
our both brain hemispheres
get synchronized. Some great
calm music is listed for you.

Guided Meditations

Guided meditations are truly incredible. They take me into
those profound states of peace
& calm. You may like these too.

Energy Work

Ho’oponopono, Family Constellations, Psych-K …  energy modalities transform suffering into a new life.

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